Be visible as Swiss biotech company

Secure your logo presence for 2024 and beyond

As a Swiss Biotech Association member you can include your organization’s logo in our communication tools during a year (or permanently) to increase your visibility.

For only CHF 200 your logo is shown

  • on our Swiss Biotech Association exhibition booth
  • in every presentation about the Swiss biotech industry at events, e.g. at our flagship event Swiss Biotech Day in Basel, at the Swiss pavilions at  BIO International Convention in the US and BIO EUROPE, Illmac, Sachs Associates conferences, and more…
  • in presentations to biotech stakeholders as in the “about the association” presentations and webinars (i.e. for talents, partners, media, investors), around presentations of Swiss Biotech Success Stories, in 100+ one-on-one meetings yearly, at panel discussions, and joint international presentations with Switzerland Global Enterprise
  • on a dedicated page in our annual report and the Swiss Biotech Directory

A cost-effective and easy-to-do marketing opportunity

Just order your logo presence with below form. Your logo will be integrated into our communication tools throughout 2024.

If you like to show your logo permanently, we include the additional cost for it in your future membership fee and you won’t receive a separate invoice.

Your order must arrive with us by December 15, 2023, with the form below. Orders after this date, or by mail, phone, and other ways of communication cannot and will not be considered.

Samples of logo presence

… at conferences & exhibitions

The Swiss Biotech Association booth at the Swiss Biotech Day
Swiss pavillions at BIO conventions in the US and Europe

… in all industry and stakeholder presentations

Presenting our member base

… in the Swiss Biotech Directory and our annual report

Dedicated pages for members with logo presence

Order your logo presence 2024

Exclusively for Swiss Biotech Association members

Your logo will be integrated into our communication tools in 2024. Your order is binding.

Choose the option “permanent logo presence” if you like to be present in our communication tools as long as you are member. We will add CHF 200 to your annual membership fee invoice. If you choose this option, please inform us of any logo changes, as we will use the logo you now submit in the coming years too.

Your order must arrive with us by December 15, 2023. Orders after this date cannot be considered.