Guideline for leaders of a Swiss biotech venture

As a Swiss biotech venture leader looking for financing and partnering, we summarize best practices and guide you through the process of registering further down.

Best practices for your presence

  • Make sure your data is always current.
  • Upload a recent slide deck.
  • Highlight if you have found a lead investor. This information will be sent as a notification to investors who are interested in your venture.
  • You can upload more than one project. For out-licensing it may be worth doing so.
  • Most companies are too optimistic with respect to their funding deadlines. So consider adding some margin.
  • Once the funding deadline has passed, you will receive a notification and the date will disappear from the profile.
  • Customize your profile by uploading project-specific images.
  • Enter information about Board of Directors, Management and Scientific Advisory Board.
  • Use bullet points instead of text only.
  • Bear in mind that the profile should be attractive and informative for biotech investors and pharma companies alike, as the platform supports the financing and partnering processes.
  • Once you have completed your profile, please promote it to your existing and potential new investors and pharma BD partners. This helps you to get more contacts and visibility and it helps us to promote the platform.
  • Any investor or pharma partner who wishes to access the platform can do so, provided that their companies are already listed on the platform. If their company is missing, they can contact us for access to the platform.

Registering as a Swiss biotech venture leader

Please note that only Swiss companies can register as biotech venture on the platform. Best open in a separate window and use below step-by-step process to complete your entry on the platform. Be aware that the shown buttons only work on the platform. if you click on the pictures, they will enlarge for your convenience.

When you access the platform for the first time, click the red button

Click on create a free account

Fill out the form with first name, last name and a password of minimum 6 characters. After having consented to the terms and conditions you can click register

You can now create your company’s profile. You will receive some information about the process.

First enter the name of your company.

Complete all required information indicated by an *.
Please note that Biotech directory URL relates to your company’s entry in the Swiss Biotech Directory on

Once all fields are filled in correctly, you can ask for a review.

The resulting page looks like shown below. You will be notified once the profile was approved by a Swiss Biotech Association reviewer. Please note that only Swiss companies can register as Biotech venture on the platform.

After you have received notification of approval, you can sign in to your profile by using your email address and the password you created in the registration process and modify it.

You can now complete your user profile by adding further information about your company and its projects, upload logos, pictures and files.

Do not forget to save your modifications by by ticking it off on the bottom right.