• Thursday, March 8, 2018 @ 12:00 am

The new discovery group will enhance current capabilities in translational research - Glenmark will continue to invest in its existing site in the canton of Neuchȃtel around the development and manufacturing of biologics supporting clinical research in oncology and immune-mediated disorders

La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland & Paramus, N.J. March 6, 2018

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals announced today it will enhance its capabilities in translational research by opening a new discovery centre at the Biopôle campus of Lausanne (https://www.biopole.ch/en/). Glenmark will continue to invest in, and operate its process development and biologics manufacturing centre out of La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Neuchȃtel. Approximately 20% of current employees will be housed in the discovery group at Lausanne.

“The Biopôle is one of the most vibrant ecosystems for life sciences innovation in Europe. This expansion opens a universe of opportunity to foster our innovation capabilities by collaborating with the world class research centres, academic groups and hospitals in the Lausanne vicinity. At the same time, Glenmark’s long-term commitment to our development centre in the region of Neuchȃtel will remain a key priority,” said Dr. Kurt Stoeckli, President and Chief Scientific Officer of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals. The company’s rapidly evolving pipeline of novel biologics and the growing demand for technical development and manufacturing will require further expansion of current capabilities and capacities. Glenmark will continue to evaluate expansions and enhancements to accommodate the increasing demand for biologics development and manufacturing in the canton of Neuchȃtel.

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