Project management has evolved into a critical discipline in the contemporary world.
In today's dynamic landscape, project management encompasses a comprehensive set of skills, methodologies, and tools that empower organizations to effectively navigate complex projects.
The significance of project management lies in its ability to foster efficiency, transparency, and control throughout project lifecycles. By effectively managing projects, organizations can meet timeline, mitigate risks, make informed decisions, and optimize outcomes. In an intensely competitive business milieu, project management has emerged as an indispensable instrument for achieving success.
To be organized, get to market before the competition and not make mistakes, you can use three models:
- Waterfall allows you to plan all phases of the project in advance because all requirements are stables and knowns, moreover the methodology to be applied to the project is consolidated and known.
- Agile is used for a project in which the requirements are not clear and knowns from the beginning, they will be consolidated and defined during the execution of work.
- Hybrid, as the name suggests, combines elements of multiple project management models, such as Waterfall and Agile.

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  • October 18, 2023 @ 5:30 pm
  • June 12, 2024
  • Polo universitario Lugano - Campus Est, Via la Santa 1 CH-6962 Lugano - Viganello (On Line)
Event starts in
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  • Polo universitario Lugano - Campus Est, Via la Santa 1 CH-6962 Lugano - Viganello (On Line)

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