LeadXpro announces the execution of an agreement with Lundbeck to enable structure-based drug discovery of membrane protein targets. The agreement concerns the research on multiple small molecule drug discovery projects aiming to integrate high resolution membrane protein X-ray and cryo-EM structures for hit finding, characterization and optimization.
LeadXpro announces the execution of an agreement with Lundbeck to enable structure-based drug discovery of membrane protein targets. The agreement concerns the research on multiple small molecule drug discovery projects aiming to integrate high resolution membrane protein X-ray and cryo-EM structures for hit finding, characterization and optimization.
Wassim Abdul Rahman, project leader at leadXpro said: “Thanks to our unique in-house developed technologies we are able to generate membrane proteins with great potential to deliver high resolution structural data either by X-ray crystallography or cryo-Electron Microscopy (EM). We are excited to join efforts with Lundbeck to tackle challenging drug targets with great therapeutic interest”.
David Rodríguez Díaz, scientific responsible from Lundbeck said: “Our organization strives to continue delivering drugs targeting membrane proteins as excellent therapeutics for brain diseases. To this end, we are very excited about working with leadXpro to enhance our drug discovery efforts by enabling the use of structure-based methods in projects concerning this all-important target class. The scientific and technological prowess of leadXpro, including readily access to X-ray Free Electron Laser sources and cryo-EM experiments, offers a perfect match to our needs in this area.”