Selective mode antimicrobial resistance therapeutics
Selmod is a startup with a mission dedicated to the development of disruptive antibacterial and antifungal therapies needed to address the critical unmet need for antimicrobial resistance, or AMR for short.
Products, services, technology
With our 3 preclinical assets we perform the lead optimization, full pharmacological profiling, and pharmacodynamic efficacy studies in rodent and none-rodent mammalian animal models are our objectives towards a fully characterized pre-clinal IND candidates.
Cooperation possibilities
With our first-in-class approach, we perform preclinical research on new targets or new modalities by a new mode of action.
Our drug candidates are active against multi-resistant clinical isolates in infection in-vivo studies and are based on new IP-protected chemical modalities.
- +41 76 734 14 89
- Send an email
- Frank Gombert
Some insights
We provide life saving 2nd-line and last resort antibiotics overcoming antimicrobial resistant (AMR) infections.
The Selmod team is empowered to commit their knowledge, professional experience and creativity to disruptive innovations addressing a critical unmet disease issue.
Entrepreneurs assembling and leading a creative team with disruptive ideas and concepts towards a successful market entry.
The founder and leadership team is highly motivated to support our disruptive therapeutic projects towards success. We combine experiences and skills needed in the initial stage of our startup.
While growing we offer project management, regulatory, clinical study management and finances.
They are impressed by my perseverance and endurance to work in pharmaceutical drug research and development on new projects.
Networking, new contacts to financial support and CROs.
Private investors, family offices and foundations.