Swati AG is a 100% subsidiary of Swati Spentose Pvt. Ltd. (SSPL) which is a part of a 50 year old group based in Mumbai, India. Swati AG was set up in Switzerland in 2019, with a vision to engage with European innovation for the world and facilitate access to the Indian economy. We aim to do business with all the regulated markets like EU, USA, Canada, Australia.

Products, services, technology

The company’s flagship molecule is Pentosan Polysulphate sodium known as PPS. The company is currently using PPS for treating Interstitial cystitis (I.C)/Bladder Pain Syndrome (BPS). BPS is a chronic bladder health issue.

Additional address info
  • c/o companyplace.ch AG
Facts & figures
  • Type of organization
    Private company
  • Year of foundation
  • Number of employees in Switzerland

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