Category: Media releases 2022

Anlageberater Chandra P. Leo in der Jury der Swiss Biotech Success Stories

Download PDF of media release Seit 2018 zeichnet die Swiss Biotech Association…

Dec 12, 2022
Le conseiller en investissements Chandra P. Leo rejoint le jury des Swiss Biotech Success Stories

Download PDF of media release Depuis 2018, la Swiss Biotech Association met à…

Dec 12, 2022
Investment advisor Chandra P. Leo joins Swiss Biotech Success Stories’ jury

Download PDF of media release Since 2018, the Swiss Biotech Association has been…

Dec 12, 2022
Swiss Biotech Report 2022 shows sector again performs exceptionally at all levels

Download PDF of media release Download media presentation Capital investments in Swiss…

May 03, 2022
Swiss Biotech Report 2022: Die Branche entwickelt sich auf allen Ebenen hervorragend

Download PDF of media releaseDownload media presentation in English 2021 wurden 3,33…

May 03, 2022
Le Swiss Biotech Report 2022 montre que le secteur affiche à nouveau des performances exceptionnelles à tous les niveaux

Download PDF of media releaseDownload media presentation in English En 2021, CHF 3,33…

May 03, 2022
Presentation for the media: Swiss Biotech Report 2022

The Swiss Biotech Report media presentation 2022 is only available in English Download PDF

May 03, 2022
Swiss Biotech Association salue le résultat du vote sur le référendum du 13 février 2022

Download PDF L’association des start-up et PME suisses de biotechnologie salue…

Feb 14, 2022
Swiss Biotech Association begrüsst Abstimmungsresultat vom 13. Februar 2022

Download PDF Der Branchenverband der schweizerischen Biotech Startups und KMUs…

Feb 14, 2022
Swiss Biotech Association welcomes referendum result on February 13, 2022

Download PDF  The industry association of the Swiss biotech start-ups and SMEs…

Feb 14, 2022