The unique platform to access
Swiss biotech investment and partnering opportunities

Swiss biotech companies, global biotech investors and industry partners alike benefit from the Swiss Biotech Ventures platform. It is free of charge and matches Swiss biotech companies, global biotech investors, and industry partners to facilitate financing, licensing and research collaborations.

With the Swiss Biotech Ventures platform, the Swiss Biotech Association enables Swiss biotech companies to present their investment and partnership opportunities to global biotech investors and multinational pharma and industry partners.

Investors, family offices, foundations and pharmaceutical companies gain insight into the pipeline of the Swiss biotech hub, and easily discover and contact companies matching their strategic focus based on modalities, indications, and development stage.

Efficient and transparent matchmaking on a steadily growing platform

Swiss Biotech Ventures is a comprehensive database that creates transparency between stakeholders. On the “sell side”, Swiss biotech companies describe their value proposition. On the “buy side”, global biotech investors and pharmaceutical representatives identify investment and partnership opportunities matching with their selection criteria. Both sides present their focus and goals, rendering matchmaking between these players efficient and transparent.

Swiss Biotech Ventures is steadily growing. Every time a venture matching the selection criteria of an investor is added, or its status changes (e.g. from preclinical to clinical phase I), interested parties receive an email notification and can find out more on the platform.

Gain valuable time by timely and consistent information

Both sides gain valuable time as individual communication on the project development is replaced by timely, transparent and consistent information. In the Swiss tradition, the Swiss Biotech Association takes a neutral stance. No company is promoted, no privileged information is shared with any of the parties, nor does the Swiss Biotech Association receive any success fee. Anyone on the platform has free access to identical information, simultaneously, transparently and to the benefit of all parties.

By invitation only

Please note that the Swiss Biotech Ventures platform operates on an invitation-only basis, meaning your profile will be carefully validated by a member of the Swiss Biotech Association team. When accessing the platform, please use below guidelines according to your role. We will guide you through the necessary steps for registering on the platform, and share some best practices to maximize your experience.

How to register and useful hints

Choose your role to register at,
and check out useful hints to best present yourself and work with the platform.